Re: My planned WWP submission
Bernhard Vogl 2004-Dec-21 10:14:00
Thank you all for your kind answers. This makes me confidently for
submitting this pano for the WWP event.
I also enjoyed looking at all the other panos shown in the mailing list,
from Willy's stunning "light-painting" to Thomas' "flying panorama"! I have
to admit, this helps me a lot to find new ideas :-)
To answer the question of Cederic:
The panorama was done with 6 horizontal shots using a monopod (plus one
extra shot to have the streetcar in the image) - no zenith and nadir. To be
able to align the images correctly, i had to stitch 2 versions of the
panorama: one for the skyline of the town and one for the hand rail in the
foreground. Both versions were roughly blended with enblend and manually
edited afterwards.
Best regards