Websters New World College Dictionary says:
Dave 360texas.com 2005-Jan-21 20:59:00
Websters New World College Dictionary 4th edition copyrighted 1988
Macmillan USA, page 1597 left column "virtual reality" defined as:
"virtual reality - the computer-generated simulation of three
dimensional images of an environmnet or sequence of events that some-
one using special electronic equipment may view, as on a video
screen, and interact with in a seemingly physical way"
Maybe someone with a more current edition can update this definition.
I would think that "VR" is a good acronym.
Virtual Reality appears to have been around since 1988 for it to be
in the dictionary. I wonder how many years ago the term virtual
reality first appeared in the dictionary ? US, Europe other
languages ?
Dave @360texas.com