Re: Imagery for Promotional Use
Caroling 2005-Mar-13 15:01:00
What is the "proper credit to the photographer"? Personally I prefer a web site link to a
name. I've been exploring the Creative Commons license, which allow free use of
works, without asking permission, if the proper credit is given. My problem is that
often "proper credit" is like in a copyright notice, just the date and name of
As for WWP, could the licensing choices be part of the submission form and appear
on the page for each entry? I think promotional thumbnails are great.
--- In #removed#, Landis <#removed#> wrote:
> All,
> I'd like to ask your permission to offer thumbnails for promotional
> links to the WWP. They will be sure to put
> the proper credit to the photographer below whatever image they
> choose.