Top of QuickTime News
Landis 2005-Apr-08 14:46:00
Congratulations everyone. We made it to the TOP of the QuickTime
news this time around - with a really large picture (good work Sven!).
See the news in HTML with graphics at:
And the text version is appended below:
>Read today's issue of QuickTime News online at:
> http://www.apple.com/enews/currentqissue
>1. Roam Around the World
>During the equinox from March 17 to March 20, more than 250
>photographers, mostly strangers to each other, collaborated on an
>international photography project. Working in 44 countries and
>spread out on six continents, they each photographed and prepared a
>QuickTime VR panorama.
>Participating photographers interpretated of the theme of
>"marketplace" in different ways--capturing everything from actual
>local farmers' markets to abstract concepts of marketplaces of
>ideas, such as the "Marketplace of Ideas" at Istituto Europeo de
>Design in Milan.
>The collection of QuickTime VRs kicks off the second year of
>quarterly panoramic photography sessions for the World Wide Panorama
>project, sponsored by the Geography Computing Facility at the
>University of California, Berkeley.
>The QuickTime VRs show amazing imagination and variety. Check them out now.