Spanish translation wishes and topics
Inaki Rezola 2005-Apr-09 11:46:00
Hi, Landis, Don, Kat and all
First of all, congratulations for the new WWP. There are fantastic
panos and the site's design improvements done since Sanctuary, maps
included, make it look really great. I feel really proud of being a
part of it.
Well, so it seems that you need translations? Here you've got my
Spanish one. I have avoided the Spanish special writing signs and
translated them for reading in html code, so you don't have to
change them.
If you'd like one in Basque -though small, there's a Basque
community in the States- I can provide you one too. I know it is a
very little known language, with few speakers, and that WWP could
become quite messy if everyone wants to get in. I don?t know. Just
let me know.
Mercados - Panoramas de todos los puntos del globo
La semana pasada más de 250 fotógrafos, desconocidos
entre sí en la mayoría de los casos,
colaboraron en un proyecto fotográfico internacional. Cada
uno de ellos debía fotografiar y preparar un panorama virtual
sobre el tema "mercados" en 44 países de todo el mundo. Los
resultados muestran una variedad e imaginación asombrosos.
Si nunca ha visto un panorama virtual, aquí tiene una
excelente ocasión para descubrirlos. Estas imágenes de
ordenador pueden girar 360 grados y en ocasiones también
hacia arriba y hacia abajo, permitiéndole examinarlas en
cualquier dirección. Como si usted estuviera "virtualmente"
en aquel lugar.
El sitio web resultante de este esfuerzo conjunto se encuentra
disponible en
http://WorldWidePanorama.com. Si no dispone usted del programa
Quicktime, deberá bajarlo e instalarlo (es gratis) de la web
de Apple.
La serie de eventos del "World Wide Panorama", patrocinada por
la "Geography
Computing Facility" de la Universidad de California Berkeley,
comienza su segundo año de convocatorias cuatrimestrales. En
esta ocasión tuvo lugar durante el fin de semana del
equinoccio, el 20 de marzo, primer día de primavera en el
hemisferio norte. Los fotógrafos participantes
disponían de total libertad a la hora de interpretar el
concepto "Mercado", desde las más reales y tangibles del
tipo "mercado campesino local" a visiones más abstractas como
la de "mercados de ideas".
Now, for wishes:
I'd like to see more countries represented in the WWP. Most of us
are concentrated in Europe and the USa-Canada. No one is to blame,
of course, and there are fantastic panos there. I only mean that
there is a very wide world outside here, and VR being what it is,
I'd love to see it through it ('the nearest thing to actually being
there'). It is just a wish.
And now for topics. I've been thinking of two lately. I think topics
should be quite wide, so as anyone can have a chance to do a
personal interpretation wherever and whenever he or she is. And that
they should be appealing -though, of course, this may always be
controversial-. Here are my topics:
There are legends and myths all around the world. Legendary places
where gods or spirits or historically relevant people of any kind
did this or that. There will be fantastic geographical features or
buildings subject to bizarre beliefs. There are also modern legends
and myths: one could choose a Harley-Davidson, Graceland or The
Beatles's favourite recording studio! I'm sure the WWP team, all you
girls and boys out there, would do a terrific job on this! -unless
you find this idea to be too romantic, I don't know.
Anyone got a dream? Peace? Love? Unavoidable wishes? This would also
allow to show some technically-out-of-the-common-way VR's off... And
may be a very good exciter for creativity (I'm not thinking of my
limited one, but having seen what we have already seen in WWP, I'm
sure a DREAM WWP would be great).
That?s all. Sorry if this is a bit too long. And excuse my english,
should there be something wrong... Nutta nateve speekah ;-)
Don, I've shot recently a cubic of the Zumaia-Deva coastline flysch,
on a lowtide -not the lowest one though. They tell me that this is
quite a relevant geographical feature. I don't have a regular site
at the moment. Tell me if you're interested, I'll send it via e-mail
(2Mb's or so).
Inaki Rezola