Re: Enquiry: PTGUI or Panoweaver 4.0?
larry lau 2005-May-31 03:48:00
Thanks, Luca,
I've been struggling with PTgui for several days and it works great. The only problem is that it takes too much time(around 2 hours) to make one pano. Maybe I'm too beef-witted :( How much time will it cost you to finish one stitching generally?
Luca Vascon <#removed#> wrote:
For me PTGUI is the best one.
Panoweaver is a derivative work from PanoTools, so it is a really powerful
engine you can never completely use.
Like to have a field camera with an idiotproof entry-level slr interface,
wit no dials, buttons only and the icons with flower, mountains etc.
It is less difficult to learn how it really works than to relay on prebuilt
Of course, more satisfating, more professional, it gives you more
possibilities and control.
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