just checking in...
G. Donald Bain 2006-Mar-11 20:05:00
Sorry that I have been so silent lately - too many other things to
do. But this has been a very VR week, with more coming up - Borders!
Last Tuesday there was an informal meeting of Bay Area VR-tists at
John Geenleigh's studio, including Kat and Landis Bennett, Scott
Highton, Ken Turkowski, and Janey Fitzgerald (up from Hollywood). I
was pleased to note that almost everyone in the group was a WWP
Then on Thursday Toni Garbasso was here from Rome with his son. He
gave us his fascinating presentation on virtual reality in all its
forms, then we went out to dinner (Kat, Landis, and Patirck
Cheatham). for more interesting discussion of the VR world.
Next week I hope to work with some of my students who are learning VR
photography. On Wednesday and Thursday we will go out in pairs to
shoot for the WWP.
Is anyone else doing this, teaching someone else about VR
photography? It's a lot of fun, a great way to improve your own
skills, and to spread the word about VR and WWP.
I have some comments on the theme, to follow. On Friday I head for
the border, literally. My plan is to spend Spring Break along both
sides of the Mexico/US border.
Geography Computing Facility
University of California Berkeley