Re: QT 7.1.3 invalidates 3 of my files
Richard Crowest 2006-Sep-14 15:56:00
Just found this on the Apple web site:
Seems they've turned it off by default as it's not as up-to-date as the current Flash plug-in
(tell us something we don't know - it never has been). This is of course insane, as
QuickTime doesn't make itself the default handler for Flash files, and as Caroling's
discovered, this will completely break any QT movies containing Flash tracks. (I'm taking
your word on this, Caroling, as given your experience I haven't installed the upgrade).
Kiosk mode, I think, shouldn't be affected. The "Enable kiosk mode" option is present in
older versions, and enforces kiosk mode for *all* QT movies in browsers, regardless of
whether or not they're set in the HTML code.
Could this be yet another downgrading of QT's place as a general multimedia tool? No
QTVR tools from Apple for years, no update to QTVR rendering for years, now no Flash
support by default. It seems more and more as though Apple isn't that interested in us
using it for anything other than listening to music and watching films...
I'll probably follow your example in trying to point out the extreme folly of this move,
Caroling. I use Flash tracks in QT files for a major client project, and it's really going to
piss people off to have to manually enable the Flash support in each new installation.
Roger, I hope your confidence about backwards compatibility being important to Apple
proves well-founded.