Re: Old Colored QTVR Object movie
Caroling Geary 2008-Sep-25 18:20:00
I did an object movie with view animation for the June, 1999
solstice. It seems to run awkwardly now. The views have to be GIFs as
I remember and object movies can quickly grow large file sizes. Also,
you never know when the movie is fully downloaded. If you drag it too
early, you see only a few of the images, but again, you don't know
what you missed or if you missed something.
I used the grid idea in this movie for Wrinkle 4 (drag around to see
different plants at different times):
On Sep 25, 2008, at 12:33 PM, michel thoby wrote:
> I stumbled on this
> old QTVR Object (absolute) sample that Apple had provided in the
> QTVRAS CD-ROM in 1997.
> http://michel.thoby.free.fr/QTVR_Legacy/Grid.mov
> IMO object movies can often allow for more "creative" presentations
> than "Panorama movies"...
> It occurred to me that this could have been a very pertinent starting
> point for a submission for this Color event.
Caroling Geary, www.wholeo.net