Best Of 2008 is ... about to close!
Yahoo Account 2008-Dec-30 15:23:00
Less than 45 minutes to go!
(that's not counting the chance for Late Edit, of course - if you had problems building your panorama or simply got caught by the deadline due to time-zone differences, just send a mail with your name to #removed# and we'll see you right next week!)
Quoting the logistic back-end report:
"Currently, there are 976 registered participants (of these, 960 have made at least one contribution), with 5013 contributions containing 4999 small panoramas and 4803 fullscreens in a total of 21 events in the database."
One more for 5000. Only one more... and I'll be away from the Internet for the next hour or two before I can come back here and start building the thumbnail images. :(
The suspense is almost unbearable...