Re: The June 2010 WWP event ...
prague 2010-May-20 10:13:00
Great theme! Much better than previous themes I think. Now I'm excited for this next WWP event!! :-)
--- In #removed#, Pat Swovelin <panoramas@...> wrote:
> ... theme is "Forgotten Places." The open shooting period begins at
> 00:01 on Saturday June 19th and ends at 24:00 on Sunday June 27th.
> Those times are relative to the time zone the panorama is shot in. This
> gives you 9 full days to shoot a forgotten place (insert lame memory
> joke here).
> This event's essay was written by Berhnard Vogl. Thank you, Bernhard.
> Forgotten places exist everywhere, as a place in urban exploration, a
> historic place or simply deep in your heart.
> To forget is an essential capability of our brain. Nearly everything we
> learn and live to see is forgotten after awhile. Without being able to
> forget, we all would drown in a flood of information -- not being able
> to discern between dispensable and indispensable. Even mankind's
> collective memory is prone to forget many things...
> All of those memories are connected to a certain place. You are invited
> to rediscover such a place, shoot a panorama and tell us the story
> behind it!
> Can't find a forgotten place? Maybe it is right under your nose!
> -- Find reminders of history, e.g., WWI and WWII. Sometimes they are
> huge like the flak towers that were built during the WWII Nazi regime --
> but now are barely noticed by the local residents.
> -- In the "Ruhrgebiet" in Germany -- or in Detroit in the U.S., large
> industrial zones changed their face or perished.
> -- Have you ever been curious about what happened to old tourist routes
> after the tourists vanished or a highway was built nearby? Go visit
> such a village and depict the changes!
> -- Visit a subterranean place. Let the panorama tell about the Earth
> millions of years ago -- or just your local subway station that hasn't
> been renovated in years.
> -- Go to the place where you grew up/went to school/worked your first job!
> -- Or just take the inward turn: Did you have a dream when you were
> young? Did that dream come true? Unearth a forgotten place of your
> childhood and tell us about it!
> Pat Swovelin
> World Wide Panorama Event Coordinator
> Get out there and shoot some panoramas!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]