The WWP "Family" event ...
Pat Swovelin 2011-Jul-03 19:10:00
... has been published and is live now at http://tinyurl.com/3m5mx4p
The next event is "History." The shooting period starts at 00:00 on
September 16th and ends at 24:00 on September 25th in the time zone
you're in when you're shooting your panorama. The server will open for
editing at 00:00 on September 16th and close probably on September 29th
(it'll probably be later than that but don't hold me to that right
now). An essay on the History event's theme will be published by next
Sunday July 10th.
Thanks for participating.
Pat Swovelin
World Wide Panorama Event Coordinator
Get out there and shoot some panoramas!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]