Late Editing clarification ...
Pat Swovelin 2011-Jul-01 18:12:00
When you put yourself on Late Editing it turns off normal editing even
if normal editing is still turned on. That's the whole point of Late
Editing, if means you're late and need extra time, it's not a continuous
extension of normal editing. And Late Editing won't be turned on until
the event is initially published so don't expect that 1 minutes after
normal editing closes Late Editing opens, that's not how it works. So
if you think you'll need Late Editing *DO NOT* request it if normal
editing is still turned on and you're working on your submission. Wait
until normal editing has closed then request Late Editing.
If you find that you have requested Late Editing and are suddenly locked
out of normal editing write directly to me and I turn normal editing
back on for you but it's your responsibility to request Late Editing
again if you still need it.
I hope that clarifies it for everyone but it if doesn't then please ask
until it is clear.
Pat Swovelin
World Wide Panorama Event Coordinator
Get out there and shoot some panoramas!
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