World Wide Panorama mailing list archive
Sender:Yahoo Account
Date/Time:2012-Dec-10 21:00:00
Subject:Re: bad conversion for small window

Thread: Re: bad conversion for small window Yahoo Account 2012-Dec-10 21:00:00
Hi there,

the reason for the compression artifacts is that the images are processed to result in cube faces of 1800x1800 pixels, with a jpeg level of ~70 (Pano2VR scale). It's a setting that has worked reasonably well in the past with a range of images with lots of noise/detail resulting in large jpegs while not introducing too much banding in images with large uniform gradients (e.g. sky). Of course it's a trade-off between fidelity, storage space, transmission time and server load.

Technically, the conversion is a ?drop-file-on-pano2vr? script running on an offsite computer that does periodic checks to see what needs to be converted, then uses the original image as input and an 1800x1800 cube face output setting. The .mov file stemming from that is compatible with the krpano flash player we're using, and serving one file (essentially six jpegs in a .mov wrapper) is easier on the server than pointing it at six cube faces which would result in six data streams instead of just one. 

For maximum control, you can prepare and upload two .mov files (one small, one big, jpeg compressed, cube faces can/should be tiled for the big version). If those files are present, the server will use those custom-made files and send them unaltered to the flash player. (keeping the jpeg too would be nice, for thumbnail creation reasons) No guarantee that it'll work on the first try, though. Depending on the visitor's flash version, anything beyond 2000 pixels per tile per cube face may cause the flash player to run out of buffer memory.


Somewhat unrelated, I found that adding a little overall noise to JPEGs seems to reduce banding since the algorithm is forced to use more data instead of blocking together sky gradients.

> From: Bostjan Burger <#removed#>
>To: "#removed#" <#removed#> 
>Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 8:14 AM
>Subject: Re: bad conversion for small window
>o.k. ... let see what will Markus say. There is still plenty of time before publishing. We even didn't announce the official opening of preparation server ;) ... but I am glad to see first uploads.
>From: Thomas <#removed#>
>To: #removed# 
>Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 8:09 PM
>Subject: Re: bad conversion for small window
>Thanks, Bostjan, but...
>I have just looked again and the defects are still there.  Now that I look close the full screen image is also bad, with details much less sharp than in the image I uploaded, and  RGB stripes next to the mast of the nearby boat.  The stripes are closer to the mast in the large image, as if perhaps the problem has a fixed scale in pixels.
>It looks the same on Firefox and Chrome browsers.
>I hope the problem can be solved, else I will have to delete this submission.
>Regards, Tom
>--- In #removed#, Bostjan Burger <si_lander@...> wrote:
>> Tom,
>> I have checked your upload for the Best of 2012 and I can see very nice display of your panorama in small and full screen window. Please consider that immediately check might display other quality than the final one.
>> Bostjan
>> ________________________________
>>  From: Thomas Sharpless <TKSharpless@...>
>> To: #removed# 
>> Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 2:46 AM
>> Subject: bad conversion for small window
>> Hi,
>> I just uploaded a jpeg for "best of 2012" that I really hoped would look
>> sharp -- it is a 660 Mpixel stitch, reduced to 40 Mpix for WWP.  The
>> fullscreen version looks OK but there is something wrong with the
>> conversion for the small view: resolution is bad, and there are rainbow
>> stripes next to some high contrast vertical features.  I tried 3 different
>> jpegs of somewhat different sizes and all have the same problem.
>> I hope this can be fixed before I have to hit "publish".  If it is my fault
>> I will be happy to do whatever is needed.
>> Regards, Tom
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