Re: Older content not working.
Michel Thoby 2015-May-11 07:21:00
Le 11 mai 2015 ? 08:39, Bostjan Burger #removed# [wwp] a ?crit :
> It has happened that ?overnight? most of my QTVR panoramas on my site stopped working. Not all but only that ?older QTVR? (after upgrading to new versions of browsers) ?
For the "Color" event, I had then used a totally "undocumented feature" of Apple's QuickTime(VR) viewer to mimic a kaleidoscope... I was recently amazed and surprised when I discovered that I still could perfectly view and enjoy the very special effect on my computer.
I may conclude that the current anomaly was not yet affecting WWP (or not in the same way) about two (or three) weeks ago...