Re: Call for testers - immediate image processing
WILSON JOHN 2019-Dec-18 12:10:00
Hi Erik
Well done for getting the necessary programs running on the server!
All seems to work ok.. and super fast!
Best regards
John Wilson
> On 13 December 2019 at 09:42 "Erik Krause #removed# mailto:#removed# [wwp]" <#removed# mailto:#removed# > wrote:
> Hello,
> until now when uploading images or changing thumbnail positions one had
> to wait for the next image conversion run, which could last up to 20
> minutes. In fact image processing was carried out on Markus' Mac Mini at
> home. Fortunately, this worked in the past, despite some stops due to
> power outages etc.
> However, I managed to get the necessary programs running on the server
> (which wasn't easy since we don't have root access) and now image
> processing can be carried out there, immediately after upload or change.
> Nevertheless processing takes some seconds, so it needed to be done in
> the background.
> Since this is a crucial feature it needs to be tested thoroughly, before
> hitting the main server. So if you want to help the WWP, please do some
> testing on the beta version on https://betacon2.worldwidepanorama.org/
> The beta server works on the same database like the main server, so you
> can do all your uploading and editing for Best of 2019 there. Save your
> work frequently and switch to the regular contribution server if there
> are any problems. But in any case report here!
> --
> Erik Krause
> http://www.erik-krause.de
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