Re: Call for testers - immediate image processing
Erik Krause 2019-Dec-20 22:02:00
Am 19.12.2019 um 16:05 schrieb #removed#:
> I did the upload almost at once, when you requested....
> it seems all very fast, only trying looking at preview
> the page was almost freezed;
Of course preview won't work as long as cubefaces are not generated.
> I tried again right now it's not immediate but fast:
> maybe I had the startup disk full
I must admit that "immediate" is a bit euphemistic :-) Actually the
image processing itself takes a while. And the requests are queued using
the linux screen command and processed one after the other. I didn't
dare to multitask them, since I can't estimate whether this would work
under heavy load. So processing might still take a while, especially if
multiple users are trying to have their uploads or thumbs processed.
However, many thanks for your test feedback!
A merry Christmas, by the way ...
Erik Krause