Re: 'Panography' , Panoramafotografie, Panografija
Roger Howard 2005-Jan-22 01:16:00
On Jan 21, 2005, at 4:54 PM, Bostjan Burger wrote:
> I wrote a short article about 'panography' in 2001 for some magazines.
> In Slovenian language - 'panografija'. I posted the article to
> Wikipedia [ http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panografija ] today and found
> out that only terms 'panorama' and 'cyclorama' exist in English:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panorama , [
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclorama ]. In German
> Panoramafotografie: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panoramafotografie,
> which was the closest match.
Panography is certainly a valid term in English; WikiPedia is not a
dictionary, and even if it was wouldn't necessarily define what is
English and what isn't.
Likewise, unless a dictionary has over 100,000 terms or so, it's
probably not going to cover the bulk of the language, especially for
technical terminology.