Re: Help with "looping audio" needed
Landis 2005-Jun-23 23:53:00
>The only option i have found in Quicktime (PC version) was a menu entry
>but not in the properties - neither for the movie nor for the audio track.
>Can anyone give me a hint how to enable looping audio with the Windows
>version of Quicktime?
I believe it's the same as on the Mac version. From the Movie menu,
select Loop. Then from the File menu, select Save As. Make sure you
do a save as 'Self-contained'. Opening the newly saved file will
give you an audio file that loops when it gets to the end.
>BTW: Here are my 2 submission candidates for the WWP event. I have
>choosen the first one and i hope, i am not the only one who thinks it's
>the nicer one...?
>...yes, the black thing on the uppermos platform _is_ a piano :-)
Both are very impressive. I'm somewhat partial to eis6, but eis3 is
equally attractive.