plugs for WWP
bruce_hemming 2005-Jul-17 18:22:00
Section 4.13 of The Sunday Times (Weekend Review) carries a few lines about WWP. Not
through my efforts although I have been emailing the media. Congratulations to whoever
was responsible!
BBC local organisations <http://www.bbc.co.uk/england/> do have a panoramic England
section and even say that they want to see more panos. Unfortunately it is Java only,
cylindrical only and rubbish quality. Looks like they employ someone to shoot
suggestions from viewers, so probably a nice little earner for someone, but a great
oportunity wasted to bring interactive content to the general public.
I contacted them last time re Sanctuary and didn't even get the courtesy of a reply. I'll give
it another go but perhaps if all UK members email and lobby them we might get a