NRG - radiation detector
Caroling Geary 2005-Jul-24 13:42:00
Thinking about NRG, energy, and visualizing the invisible. Saw a
radiation detector in a catalog:
Used to be called a Geiger counter. Wondering if we could do panos of
sites with a measured amount of radiation, (which could be alpha, beta,
or gamma rays, x-ray, or background). Or you could pan around with a
little radiation meter at the bottom of the pano, with the needle
varying, measuring the radiation of the site. I thought a Geiger
counter beeped. It would be easier to do directional sounds with the
Geiger counter beeps. I wonder if the "depleted uranium" in ammunition
would register on a detector? It would be powerful to show a war zone
site with its residual energy.
Caroling http://www.wholeo.net/