Re: Worldwide Panorama on Google Earth
wardnet2001 2005-Nov-07 19:37:00
--- In #removed#, Thomas Rauscher <#removed#> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I just noticed, that the Worldwide Panorama is included into the
> Google Earth - Community Layer "Earth Browsing".
> Now everyone who is running google earth has links to the panoramas
> included by default! You only have to turn on the layer!
> Also the link list is very popular. Currently the board shows more
> downloads!
> http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showthreaded.php/Number/165663
> MfG,
> Thomas.
Hi All
I've really ignored all the stuff about Google Earth. What can I do
with it? Is there a link to explain it to me? Now I'm interested.