Re: storm delays the WWP (really)
Patrick Cheatham 2006-Jan-01 03:36:00
--- In #removed#, "G. Donald Bain" <#removed#> wrote:
> Last I heard from Kat and Landis they were preparing to drive back
> from Seattle, about 1000 km through floods and landslides. They live
> close to the Petaluma River, which I hear on the radio is beginning
> to flood this morning. So there may be more weather-related news from
> Landis.
> The university has fared better, no outages so far as I know, and the
> servers are running as usual. So the Best of 2005 WILL be up,
> sometime in the next few hours. I will continue editing later today,
> and try to get the press release done. Sorry for the delays.
> Don
Yikes, Don -- hope everything has turned out OK... If there's anything I can do to help, let
me know. Haven't suffered anything more than wet feet, just a few miles away.