Re: Patent war?
Jacek Gancarson 2006-Feb-09 11:40:00
Hi Alex,
Smart of you. Congratulations.
I have been studying *fisheye patent package* and think that it hais been
much more fish than the eye business;-)
Allmost all was write in bilion dollars 360VR project few years ago:
They made big PR, got the the bigesst computer companies as investors and
introduced an agressive patent coverage policy. This policy consisted most
of internet penetration of all ideas and unpatented inventions in the field,
in order to submit own patents to USTPO.
Initially they where in supervision cameras business and had some patents
using fisheye in this cameras.
The two mistakes they did were:
1. Overvalidation of building own patentportfolio comparing to very
limmited own technical development investment.
2. Forgeting for the while the guy who explained to them the 360VR as such.
They only informed him that they shift to this business but thay thank him
very much for any co-operation. Me, and thanks for God, US as well, can not
stand such a kind of intellectual propriety fraud.
My advice is to hear the story and co-operate with Ford Oxaal and
www.pictosphere.com if you want really earn the money in this busuness.
I hope it helps
Best regards