Re: My entry
Caroling Geary 2006-Mar-22 21:08:00
Fun. It would be nice to have a copy of the painting beside the panos
to see where the figures are coming from. Rembrandt's lighting is so
important. Shouldn't the background be dark? Maybe at night they'll
start to glow, if lit right. I bet you'll discover things that
painters do that can't be replicated in 3D reality.
On the other hand, the group of figures is quite impressive. Good topic.
On Mar 22, 2006, at 2:58 PM, Internet wrote:
> Two Russion artist created 22 bronze figures from Rembrandt's world
> famous paint the Nightwatch.
> These figures will be at the Rembrandtsquare in Amsterdam during 2006.
> I made a tour of it (very quick, later I will make a beter tour of
> it).
> You can see it at http://www.disjo.nl/rondleidingen/wwp/wwp306
Caroling Geary