Re: Critisism welcome garden pano
Mark Banas (lists) 2006-Jun-26 17:51:00
On Jun 25, 2006, at 4:28 PM, hmmsomethingelse wrote:
> Well though I'd have a go this event.
> http://www.auat50.dsl.pipex.com/htm2/
> <snip>
> Anyway what do you reckon, any thoughts? I've been staring at it too
> long and can no longer decide if its clear enough.
Looks clear enough to my eyes (the midground is fine, and the
background is probably just fuzzed by the reduced resolution). My
only suggestions would be to "cap" that partially blended pole near
the sun and maybe remove the flare that streaks across the overhead
sky. (A little disconcerting if you don't see if from the sun first -
like a new constellation of some sort). Also, think back to what your
eyes saw at that time and work the saturation up to what you
"remember" not necc. what the camera captured or what might seem
prudent. I've found boosting saturation to the "nearly artificial
point" will really make vegetation in direct sun look "summery." Of
course, that is a personal call and I'm viewing on a Mac with a color-
corrected monitor.