discussion of "sustenance"
G. Donald Bain 2007-Sep-05 18:40:00
These discussions are great.
The designation of an official theme is meant to inspire your
creativity, give you a fun challenge, and NOT to pose a difficult
problem that will frustrate or discourage you. You can interpret the
theme literally, or imaginatively, and no submission is rejected
because it doesn't match the theme closely enough.
Straightforward interpretations of sustenance would include
agriculture, food markets, meals and cooking, water supply,
ventilation, electric supply and similar necessities of life. Lots of
good photo opportunities.
To my mind sustenance and sustainability are quite separate, but both
are acceptable. I may do a panorama on the current vogue for
sustainable architecture. The new city hall in my home town (not
where I live now, but where I grew up and my parents still live) has
been designated a "gold standard green building". It is also designed
to "rock and restore" in a severe earthquake. It am looking forward
to having a look at it.