Re:location, address bar gone after link from Full-Screen
Richard Crowest 2007-Oct-05 14:11:00
Caroling wrote:
> I've got a javascript question. For Macintosh browsers and maybe
> others.
> When I click on links from the WWP Full-Screen, in Safari, I have a
> new window with toolbar with location (address bar, shows URL). That
> is, it has been hidden in the Full-Screen window, but it reappears in
> the linked window. In Firefox, the new window does not have a toolbar
> with location. I have made a button to show it. The button doesn't
> work. Any clues?
> Or maybe there is another way to get back the location toolbar when
> it is gone? I know as a user I can do it. But how do I make it happen
> automatically for users?
Hi Caroling -
I may be wrong, but from what I can remember you can't modify most
aspects of a window with JavaScript once it's been opened, except
perhaps size and position. You can only specify the features for new
window being opened by JavaScript.
Having had a look at the preview of your sustenance pano, I think the
issue's being caused by the preference in Firefox to open new pages
in a new tab rather than a new window. If I change it to open them in
a new window, then I get a normal window with address bar, etc, same
as in Safari. If it's set to open a new tab, then because it's the
same window it still has all the same features it had before. I
suspect that there's no way round that unfortunately. Of course,
someone else may well know better...
Loved the shots of those amazing mosses, by the way.
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