Re: Re:location, address bar gone after link from Full-Screen
Caroling Geary 2007-Oct-05 17:25:00
On Oct 5, 2007, at 9:11 AM, Richard Crowest wrote:
>> In Firefox, the new window does not have a toolbar
>> with location. I have made a button to show it. The button doesn't
>> work. Any clues?
> I may be wrong, but from what I can remember you can't modify most
> aspects of a window with JavaScript once it's been opened, except
> perhaps size and position. You can only specify the features for new
> window being opened by JavaScript.
Yes, I think you are right about Firefox opening a tab rather than a
new window. However, I thought my javascript was asking for a new
function unFullScreen() { window.open
status=yes, scrollbars=auto');}
Maybe I could say newWindow.open or something? I tried substituting
_blank for _self, which had no effect.
Thanks for liking the lichens.
Caroling Geary, www.wholeo.net