Re: Next Event Theme?
Eduardo Hutter 2008-Jan-29 16:47:00
Hey there Ayrton,
Well, like always, WWP is lot about each one's interpretations of a
theme. You could always go to the "Assembléia dos deputados" (sorry,
don't know the name for it in english, that would be a municipal version
of the congress) and picture the politicians working hard there! ;)
Um abraço!
* AYRTON - avi wrote, On 29/01/2008 12:07 PM:
> On 1/29/08, Jeffrey Martin <#removed#
> <mailto:360cities%40gmail.com>> wrote:
> > what about "ritual" ? or "mud" spring is muddy ;)
> It's not spring in half of the World :-) I'm in Brazil below the
> equatorial line !
> A Y R T O N (55-21) 9982.6313
> www.rio360.com.br www.vrfolio.com www.ayrton.com rio.360cities.net