Re: timing and type of events for WWP
crimsonkingit 2004-Jul-27 15:57:00
----- Original Message -----
From: "G. Donald Bain" <#removed#>
To: <#removed#>
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 1:09 AM
Subject: Future of the World Wide Panorama - Part One
> wwpano.com when we would prefer wwpano.org, try going to
> http://iqtvra.com -- but be sure nobody is looking over your
> at the time!
> Personally, I think the world NEEDS a periodic reminder of how
great VR
> photography is. Hans Nyberg provides one great example per week. The
> WWP can't do that, but I think a showcase of a hundred or more
> every three months is reasonable.
I think so!
> The media always want something new, and you don't get much
> for a new edition of an existing work. So we need to make each event
> unique. I will be giving my ideas about future themes tomorrow
> hold discussion on this topic until then).
Future of the world
Working places
Take a friend
> Will the participants find quarterly events to be too often? I hope
> not, but only time will tell. Challenging and intriguing themes
will be
> important in motivating ourselves. Positive feedback, in the form of
> public and peer recognition, will be another factor.
No, 4 a year is OK!!
>that day.
> The second WWP was more lenient. The Solstice occurred on a Monday
> some), but the event included the entire adjacent weekend. This gave
> more flexibility with the weather, and time for many of us to
travel to
> an official world heritage site.
> I think all future WWP events should be for a weekend or more. How
> more is open to discussion. The next Equinox falls in the middle of
> week (Wednesday, September 22) - should we designate the entire
> and one weekend, maybe both weekends?
One week is the more flexible, versatile etc. Two weeks could be too
> At one time I proposed to Landis that the September theme be "all
> summer long", and accept panoramas taken anytime since the last
> (i.e. June 19 to September 21). He pointed out that this would
> the "event" nature of the project, which is important for publicity.
> Your thoughts?
He is right, but... If it is the theme, well... it is a nice one, and
to be developed like that!!