timing and type of events for WWP
bruce_hemming 2004-Jul-27 15:39:00
I think that combining the solstice dates and the World Heritage theme made life a little
more complicated for contributors. I didn't send anything in this time, but that was due to
prior commitments, however I would have loved to have tried and shot panos at
Stonehenge ( I even have a kind of in with the management) or one of the other UK
prehistoric sites - but on the Solstice? - no way, all would have been absolutely heaving
with people.
Perhaps in future we should stick to either a specific moment in time (for all the good
reasons others have listed) or a theme which is not tied to a single date - a weekend is
fine, a month too long.
One other suggestion - many years ago '69 or '70 I think, I was involved with the
cooperative which created the Real Britain Postcard project. A true cooperative, every
member was expected not only to contribute images, but also to be publicist, salesman
and distributor and belieive it or not it worked. No one made much cash but we did get an
alternative view into the marketplace. If we could apply the same principle and get
members to distribute press releases and contact the media we could generate much
wider interest in the medium which as I understand it is one of the main objectives.
Now I know this means that some poor person is going to have to sit down and write out
some guidelines but with a little help I'm sure that the membership can become far more
active as ambassadors and publicists. I do think that this in itself will help generate a
growing number of contributors and keep the whole project self sustaining as inevitably
there will be a varying degree of participation.
As ever plaudits to Don, Landis and all others involved, I'm already looking forward to the
next one.