Re: Nikon 2.8/10,5 Sigma 3.5/8 or Tokina 10-17 ?
Hans Nyberg 2009-May-11 19:05:00
On 11/05/2009, at 20.39, Alex Makienko wrote:
> Bostian Burger:
> > a "bit" off topic for a WWP, isn't it?
> A lot off-topic! :-) BUT... Is there any other place to discuss
> such technical things? Many pano forums seem to be dead. Where we
> can share and discuss our technical experience?
Where have you been hiding the last years.
Panoguide.com forum
PanotoolsNG group http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/PanoToolsng/
Both english forums and with all kinds of panorama discussions, tech
or other.
Panorama creation is today also very much a viewer and stitcher
discussion and as they are very specific for each of them discussions
are at their own forums.
Flashpanoramas.com forum - KRPano.com - Pano2VR forum - PTGui group
- Autopano forum.
And there are also a German and some French forums
Hans Nyberg
Features Fullscreen Panoramas from the best VR Photographers in the
email: #removed#
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