Re: Time for Another World Wide Panorama!
Martin Sammtleben 2010-Jun-20 20:28:00
At 15:41 -0700, 19/6/10, Don Bain wrote:
>Find your subject and shoot it using VR panoramic techniques (fully
>spherical views are preferred but cylinders are okay). Prepare the
>panorama as an equirectangular image (twice as wide as high) in jpeg
>format, with dimensions between 6000x3000 and 8000x4000 pixels. Make
>sure it is no larger than 7 mbytes in size.
Excuse my ignorance, but I've been away from the WWP for a while...
so we're not submitting QT movs anymore?
I shoot cylindricals and the source images are always *much* wider
that tall. What to do?
Cheers Martin