Re: Help with self extracting flash file from equirectangular pano
Pat Swovelin 2010-Aug-08 06:47:00
On 8-6-2010 7:53 AM, Brian Lustig's hamster got loose on the keyboard
and typed ...:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a program that can convert an equirectangular image
> into a
> self extracting flash file panorama.
Self-extracting implies that it's an archive file (e.g., ZIP, RAR, etc.)
that unarchives itself when run (because it's an executable file). Is
that what you're looking for or do you want a program that can convert
equirects to SWFs? If it's the latter then get Pano2VR.com It's the
hot tip.
> Is there such a thing? I would greatly
> appreciate any help.
> Many Thanks
> Regards
> Brian Lustig
> South Africa
Pat Swovelin
Cool Guy @ Large
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