Re: see it now
John Riley 2011-Feb-14 05:05:00
On Feb 12, 2011, at 7:30 PM, Don Bain wrote:
> I just found out that David used the Santa Claus picture of me that I sent him as a joke. See it on the judges page before I make him replace it!
> http://www.thepanoawards.com/judges.php
> Skip down the page, the VR judges are at the very bottom.
> Don
Oh, Don - I love it! The prof who was my mentor when I was hired at my university would always wear a Santa hat to December graduation. Eventually, he rose into administration, meaning that he had to sit in the big-shot gallery on the stage; then, we got a new USC-System President who was a stuffed-shirt. The edict came down: no Santa hats on stage! Boooo!
I think you should keep the pic. No way could you put up a better one!
John Riley
4Pi-VR Media Solutions
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