Landis 2004-Sep-23 18:34:00
Hey everyone!
Sorry we've been a little unclear on the upload. Internet access has
been on and off for me over the past couple of days and coordination
got a little lax. I've been working on a form that will greatly
speed up my data entry and think I've almost got it. Here's the full
You may begin uploading at any time (directions on the web page
above). For now, make sure you follow those directions - INCLUDING a
text file just as we've done in the past.
The data entry form will hopefully be ready in a couple hours. At
that time I'll ask those of you who have already uploaded to please
go there and copy and paste your text to the form. This will then
email that data to me in the perfect format to be imported directly
into my database (rather than copy and paste by field, which is what
I was doing before).
Those of you who haven't uploaded before I announce the form: Please
consider giving me a text file as well, just in case.
If there are any questions, please let me know.
Brief recap:
UPLOAD as soon as you feel ready. Please be prepared to fill out a
form online when it's announced.