7 To GO
AYRTON 2012-May-23 03:28:00
Sorry for cross posting again
But have you all seen all the incredible workshops that you can loose if
you don't attend ...
We still have 7, yes, only SEVEN magic tickets to go to: <www.nyc2012.org>
And the list of speakers are so cool, that you'll regret not being there :-)
Take a look : <http://www.nyc2012.org/cat/speakers/>
And hurry to grab your ticket ASAP
See you there :-)
*AYRTON360 *
*Director of Marketing and PR for the IVRPA*
[image: Inline image 1]
+ 55 21 9982 6313 - RIO
*"It's not WHAT you shoot. It's the WAY you shoot it."*
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