Tired and bored of creating previews by hand? This is the solution!
Markus Altendorff 2004-Sep-27 20:46:00
Sorry for the junk-mail'esque headline. I've noticed Landis' line of
> Thumbnails have still not been done yet.
I don't know how the thumbnails are made, but if it's done by
hand, then maybe this little Applescript can help:
-- Beginning of Script
on open theFiles
with timeout of 86400 seconds -- 24 hours...
set theTargetFolder to choose folder with prompt "Pick folder
to save previews into"
repeat with theFile in theFiles
tell application "QuickTime Player"
set theMovie to open theFile
export theMovie to ?
((((theTargetFolder as string) & ?
name of theMovie as string) & ".bmp")) ?
as BMP
close theMovie saving no
end tell
end repeat
end timeout
end open
-- end of script
Watch out for the line wrapping! Each command has a free line
after it. If two lines of text follow each other in the snippet
above, then they should be on one line...
If copied into Applescript Editor and saved as executable, this
will create a droplet. Just drag-and-drop any number of .MOV
files on it. It'll ask where it should put the "screenshots", and
start opening the panoramas, save the current view as BMP file
and close the movie, opening the next in line etc.
I used it to convert DV streams to MotionJPEG (not using "as
BMP", of course ;-), but this works on QTVRs just as well.
If the source was OriginalName.mov, then the picture filename
will be OriginalName.mov.bmp, since i was too lazy to remove the
original extension. Could easily be fixed in R-name or any other
tool for batch renaming. Resizing of the previews should be
possible in GraphicConverter. There's also the ImageEvents
component for AppleScript which could do that, but i was just too
lazy to code that... ;-) besides, you've got more control over
compression in GC or PS
Hope this helps?