new information on the site
Don Bain 2004-Mar-09 18:17:00
Good morning VR Photographers,
Landis and I are working continuously to finalize all aspects of the
World Wide Panorama event. It goes slowly, we both have a lot of other
things competing for our time.
This morning I uploaded a section of Examples to the site:
This should give you an idea of how the final site will look, and also
illustrate the various fields of data we will need from you.
I also thought it might be helpful to give some technical data on how I
produced these panoramas.
You will really have three ways to show off your work:
1. the regular panorama page, conservatively sized, nothing fancy
2. a full-page version of the same panorama
3. whatever else you choose to link to on your site -- any size, all
the bells and whistles you want
G. Donald Bain
Geography Computing Facility
University of California, Berkeley