What vertical pixel height are people using for 360s?
centreofengland 2005-Sep-24 15:01:00
Hi, This is the first time I have entered this event,I am seeking
advice on the jpg image size used to make the .MOV file.
I shoot cyclindrical 360s, my final stitched images are normally
around 16303 x 2497 pixels, Obviously too large to use as-is.
My question is what vertical height should I use to resize the
original image to for the small and fullscreen versions.
I have tried height at 1248 pixels (which makes width 8151). This
looks good and allows you to zoom in quite a lot on the detail BUT it
seems to have too much detail if panning when zoomed out fully.
What are people using as there standards for the imported jpg ?
By the way I am using pano2qtvr to create the mov file. Also do I need
to make sure that the dimensions of the jpg are divisable by 4?