Re: Time frame too short?
Nick Gordon 2006-Jun-22 10:02:00
Just shoot all your images exactly the same way. After stichting
correct colors later just as you would correct any other image that
needs correction. I'm not saying I am good at that ,yet, but it's
really not worth it fumbling around with peaced of paper. It just
getting all your images the same way.
Op 22-jun-06 om 9:51 heeft pau het volgende geschreven:
> El 22/06/2006, a las 1:47, G. Donald Bain escribió:
> > On Jun 21, 2006, at 11:25 AM, Pat Swovelin wrote:
> >> What WB setting do you use for rain shots?
> > I tend to use the regular sunshine WB (c. 5300K) for rain. I like
> > the blue cast, it expresses the cool mood of a rainy day.
> > Example:
> >
> http://virtualguidebooks.com/BC/VictoriaIslandsBC/BellaCoolaFerryTwo/
> > MapalaklenkPtSquall_FS.html
> > (be sure to get that entire url on one line - caution, big file)
> Well in this case the whites are white. Without changing the white
> balance your pano have nice colors. It's not present a predominant
> blue.
> >> What WB setting do you use for night shots?
> > I almost never shoot at night - it's dark out there in the woods!
> In Case you see your image shows unwanted blue (or by night unwanted
> calid colors by the yellow light) it's recomendable that you make
> "personal WB" with a piece of grey paper in front of the camera. Or
> better than that, you can shoot in raw and select the white balance
> later.
> How do other people do?
> Pau
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