Re: file size and a significant loss of resolution
Caroling Geary 2006-Jul-01 13:29:00
On Jul 1, 2006, at 6:19 AM, Markus Altendorff wrote:
> 4) Save as "raw/uncorrected master file" (JPEG, maximum
> quality - for the archive)
I I save as TIFF
> 6) Sharpen excessively :) - most of the time, 300 % strength
> and 0.5 (rarely up to 1) pixels radius.
Wow, I've never sharpened over 200%. Must try. Assuming you are using
Photoshop|Filter|Sharpen|Unsharp Mask ..., what Threshold value do
you use then?
I never sharpen the master. I only sharpen the final source file for
any one target pano size. For WWP, one for the full screen. Then back
to the master to save a smaller image size for the regular pano. I
think if you sharpen the master and then resharpen the source, you
are sharpening the sharpens and getting JPEG artifacts, increasing
file size.
> I'm not adding a low-res preview. ... also, i'm an occasional ST-
> TNG watcher [holodeck,
> anyone? ;) ]
Star Trek-The Next Generation watcher, I get. Do you mean you like
the grid effect as relating to the holodeck? At first I thought you
meant there was some online environment or game, where you could use
your own pano as background. I thought you meant that a preview track
would not work for that. I went searching, but didn't find any such
venue. It's a cool idea. I provide the setting and the program
provides the characters.
Otherwise, I like your workflow description, thanks, and will ponder
file and image sizes some more.
Caroling Geary, www.wholeo.net