Re: PT Mac help requested
Keith Martin 2006-Aug-08 21:33:00
Sometime around 8/8/06 (at 14:03 -0700) LaMar-Fridlund said:
>I just purchased a D70 and 10.5 lens as well as PT Mac. Does anyone have a
>PT Mac calibration template that they would be willing to share with me?
I would appreciate this too. I've been shooting with my well-loved
360Precision pano head and the same D70/10.5 combination, but because
I've been doing a fair bit with uncontrolled people movement I've
worked with a lot of overlap - 8 shots around. It means I have a lot
of masking room when working in Stitcher, but I'd like to try PT Mac.
Does someone have a template which would work for me, or perhaps
pointers on making my own?