Re: "High Definition Virtual Tours" trade mark
Dave 360texas.com 2007-Mar-20 15:10:00
In the US - High Definition or High Def or HD are generic terms used
in the industry to describe
Realbiz.com is a company located in Canada Toronto.
--- In #removed#, "Bill" <bill@...> wrote:
> Does any one know the legalities of trade marks for phrases such
> this. This guy has the TM next to his High Def Virtual Tours or
> http://www.realbiz360.com Am I in violation by using the term?
> This has been getting me lots of new business just upgrading my
> equipment and shooting old tours with the new HDVT. Just a Nikon
> Sigma 8mm, Kaidan mount, and Easypano:
> http://360view.com/arjang/interior1.html
> Seems buzz words like High Def. are all the rage now, at least in
> USA.
> Thanks,
> Bill
> 360View.com