Re: What Comes Next for the World Wide Panorama and the WWP Foundation? (3 of 3)
Carsten T. Rees 2008-Oct-10 20:14:00
My wholehearted Thanks to the WWP-Team for their great work. They have made possible
so many inspiring WWP-events. And by doing so, they have gathered us, an active
community of 360-degree artists and photographers.
Whenever I hear criticism on how bad the internet is (not so rare a comment with some
conservative academics), my first example against this is the WWP-homepage. So far no
one could resist the charm, beauty and intensity of these pages and panoramas.
And I would like to congratulate Don on the decision to set up the foundation. Having
some experience in non-profit organisations and charities, to me this is the organical and
logical next step. The World Wide Panorama Foundation will give independence to the
project and the community and will guarantee the future of the WWP. Once again thanks
to Landis and Don for going through this setup procedure. This must have been really dry
and hard legal stuff.
Let?s be optimistic: The finances of the WWP project should not be too much of a
problem. By now we have some experience in collecting money world wide via PayPal
(thanks to Thomas Mottl). I do not think we should link a participation in an WWP-event to
a donation. For me this looks too much like a fee. Let us call for support on an yearly
basis. And count me in for this. Furthermore let us contact the directors of the IVRPA, who
have so kindly offered their support. They will most certainly have some valuable
experience in raising donations from companies.
And finally, I think we should give thanks to the geography department of the University of
Berkeley for their hospitality over the last years.
Back to the WWP Foundation, I would like to sum all this up in a line from a wunderful
poem by Herman Hesse:
"Und in jedem Anfang liegt ein Zauber inne"
"In all beginnings dwells a magic force"
Viele liebe Gr??e
Carsten T. Rees