Re: Copyright infringement on pan0.net
Bruce Christianson 2009-Jul-14 19:19:00
No Problem, Ayrton.
Thanx for the explanation. Your English is just fine.
I am now a member of the pan0.net site, so I guess it IS now important
to me.
It got me to sign up! Kind of like indirect marketing . . . hehe.
Virtually Yours,
Bruce Christianson | Photographer | DigiTech | VRtist
"Nothing in one's life exists, until it is
observed." -bc
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On Jul 14, 2009, at 1:39 PM, AYRTON wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Bruce Christianson <#removed#
> >wrote:
>> But why did I get it? I just signed up AFTER I got this warning
>> notice!
> Bruce,
> Because you're signed to the WWP list
> And Thomas who is taking care to help all photographers that had their
> photos used without permission, posted a copy of the message to a
> lot of
> different mailing lists, and WWP is among it.
> So YOU have nothing to do with this case ...
> it just for all of us to know what is happening on the net world
> Sorry for my english, but I;m not a native english
> best
> peace
>> On Jul 14, 2009, at 11:39 AM, Eduardo Hutter wrote:
>>> Hmmm... this is the notice that the IVRPA team sent to pano.net, not
>>> to WWP. (if that's what you are talking about)
>>> E
>>> * Bruce Christianson wrote, On 14/07/2009 2:06 PM:
>>>> Is this a joke, or a mistake!!?
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