Re: Copyright infringement on pan0.net
Bruce Christianson 2009-Jul-14 22:10:00
Thanx for pointing out the bad clause.
Virtually Yours,
Bruce Christianson | Photographer | DigiTech | VRtist
"Nothing in one's life exists, until it is
observed." -bc
On Jul 14, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Keith Martin wrote:
> Sometime around 14/7/09 (at 14:19 -0500) Bruce Christianson said:
>> I am now a member of the pan0.net site
> Read the license agreement, in particular clause 5.2. You may prefer
> not to upload your more precious panos while this remains, giving
> them essentially full rights over what may be done with your uploaded
> work there and elsewhere.
> k
> ------------------------------------
> The World-Wide Panorama
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