Re: It's the next best thing to being there!
cadlard 2012-Jul-10 23:11:00
Hi all,
> I imagine NASA has far more elaborate images than what was released; it
> looks like they could learn about making interactive panoramas even from
> Google.
On that subject, Google business photos is about to move into my city and I'm wondering whether to
keep well away or become a 'Google Trusted Photographer' although my instinct is the first option.
Have you found that Google is wiping out your businesses as higher quality panorama
photographers? I'm thinking that perhaps people won't appreciate the difference between our photos
and Google's canned quick walkthroughs. And it isn't apparent to me how to separate my own VR
business from the GTP jobs as no guidance is given on that.
Appreciate your input,
Chas Adlard.