Re: Getting caught up
bryant_arnett 2005-Mar-14 19:34:00
Hi, Milko
You are right about the file sizes. I can't help myself. I have
always been one of those who pushes the limits. One of my
favorite things about recent advancements in fullscreen QTVR is
the ability to zoom way into an image and still have some
amount of detail. The full resolution versions of my images push
10MB. I have been trying hard to strike a balance between file
size and zoomability, and while the guidelines say aim for 2MB, I
just can't help but push that 3MB limit. It's going to be really tough
to bring myself to make a small 600K version. :) Then again, it's
amazing what people have done while still maintaining small file
sizes. Yourself included. Your "bridge over troubled waters" sure
makes me thirsty. Thanks for your excellent work, and kind
words. See you at the Equinox.
--- In #removed#, "Milko Amorth" <#removed#>
> Hi Bryant,
> Amazing. For the first batch of full screens, quite impressive.
> All you need to do now is beeing nice to slow Internet
connection users by
> getting below 1.5MB per movie.
> Try tiling of 1500x1500 or lower per tile an compress to 40 %
photo jpeg
> and i will bet they are still nice full screens.
> Most screens out there have a 1024x768 resolution anyhow.
> Way to go and see you at the next wwp.
> Cheers, Milko
> --
> Milko Amorth
> 360image.de
> VRCanada.ca
> Interactive Imaging for your Digital World
> fon++49.711.3655318
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